Tuesday, July 1, 2008

About this time last year..

If we were in August 2007 and someone told me I was going to be where I am now, I don't think I would believe them! This time last year I was a wreck. I had just turned 18 on my graduation day, I had just gone through a difficult breakup with my boyfriend at the time of a year and with those two major changes in my life I had become a wreck of a girl.. I was out partying until the sun came up, I was out of my house for weeks at a time, and I had lost motivation to go to school or to have a job. I had no idea who I was or who I wanted to be. I was in a slum. I was a loser. I was very dependent and wasn't at all driven to get my life together. 

How quickly I turned my life around. Here I am, almost a year later and I am already so far from that ugly place that I was a year ago. I had broken off friendships that weren't worth keeping and weeded out the "friends" that were not a positive influence to me, I had rekindled an old friendship that I had to leave because of some stupid choices I had made in Jr High, and best of all.. I became friends with myself. --When you're in a relationship with someone for a year, it's too easy to get lost and wrapped up into the other person. You put aside all of the things that you love, and all your dreams go on the back burner because you evolve your world around the other person. I still cant believe how dangerously close I was to getting engaged. I can't imagine being married at my age, and if things kept going in that direction I would probably be a house wife popping out my first kid. The thought scares the living daylights out of me!!! 

This is the way i see it; I'm going to be independent, I don't need a guy to complete me. I complete me. Quite honestly, I am in that point in my life where I have absolutely no interest in dating anyone. I LOVE IT!!! It really makes for a low pressure situation whenever I meet new people. I really don't feel like I need to impress anyone and that is one of the greatest feelings in the world! I don't even see anyone else in the picture for another 2 or 3 years. Until I am fully established as a MUA and well off on my own, I will have no time to give anyone the time of day. I'm already busy as it is working and getting my life together, it will only become more to juggle. And I think boys are the last on my list of priorities. =]

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